Find Amanda on Facebook at “Live from my Desk with Stefanie & Amanda

Amanda Venezia

Amanda is an incredible professional in regards to the craft of speaking. Not only is she knowledgeable but she has the most amazing energy that she shares with her audience. Amanda positively affects the lives of those she speaks to by creating a personable, intimate culture in her keynote sessions. If resiliency is your topic, Amanda is the one to deliver it!

Keshia Williams
  Director of School Nutrition
  Coweta County School Nutrition

Amanda has been a restaurant and hospitality professional for over 15 years and is on her 10th year rocking school lunch as Director of Dining Services in Londonderry, New Hampshire. A wife, mom, and Vlogger, Amanda shares her passion for school nutrition speaking at national conferences and training professionals on front of the house and business operations but don’t discount her proficiency and creativity in the kitchen. Her love of social media marketing has put her small New England district on the map and she has won such awards as this year’s FoodService Director Magazine 2019 Rising Star.


Keynotes & Emergency Keynotes


Marketing & Social Media


Revenue Generation




Team Building


Small District Needs


I am me!

Making a difference, embracing failure, and motivating others through enthusiasm and passion


Social-Emotional Wellness: Me First! (2 hour interactive session with tangible)

Taking care of yourself is important, but do you fully understand how important your personal emotional wellness is? Now at the center of some wellness policies, let’s define the multifaceted concept of social-emotional wellness, and talk about how this translates to the unique world of school foodservice. Learn the 12 factors that affect your wellness and how you can achieve better balance in your life. With more self-awareness, you can better assist staff and foster a more well-balanced environment in the workplace.

Reimbursable What? Explaining School Meals to Stakeholders

 How do we explain what can be a complex process to faculty, parents, school board members, community members, etc? Learn a variety of ways to impart this knowledge with tangible takeaways to promote your program of what constitutes a reimbursable meal.

Live Video??? Top Rated Insights and Inspiration from LIVE From My Desk

How can I use live video to promote my program? Learn platforms and technologies to use. Become comfortable in front of the camera and behind it. Most importantly learn from my mistakes and you will be an expert in no time!

Shout it From the Rooftops: Promoting Your Program to Stakeholders (3 hour interactive session)

Who are the stakeholders in your program? How do you reach them? Where are they accessing information and how do you tap into already established networks? All these questions answered and more in this fun and interactive session. Let’s learn from each other and established districts who are promoting their programs well. Be your number one cheerleader. If you aren’t shouting it from the rooftops, who will?

Vending Excellence: Process, Procedure, and Practice

What do students want in vending? Learn from the director whose district holds the country’s #1 spot in vending sales (according to Venducation). How do you set up the program? How do you make it successful? These questions and more answered as we give you tips and tricks to expand your service to students and staff.

Lateral Mentoring: Creating Relationships and Establishing Your Network

Are you looking for a mentor? Learn the aspects of a traditional mentor/mentee relationship as well as the new concept of lateral mentorship. Establish or expand your network of support. In this day and age, we need all the help we can get.

Lets connect

We would love to hear about your successes, struggles, needs, and provide you with additional information on how NxtGen can serve you. 

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