NxtGen Innovators PD Tracking App is a complete, affordable solution for tracking your employee training to ensure compliance with USDA requirements.  The system allows you to quickly and accurately record all of your training events and employee records in one application.  You can easily upload training agendas, sign in sheets, training materials and even online content for retrieval at any point.​

Three easy steps!

  1. Add a training event and select the Key Area, Training Topic and Sub Topic.
  2. Upload any documentation.
  3. Add employees to the event.

At a glance you can see which employees need additional training hours, see who attended each event, and even track required Civil Rights training!  The Annual Training Summary provides all the information you need to verify your training efforts for an Administrative Review.

Other features include:

  • Unlike an Excel spreadsheet, you only need to enter employee and training information one time.
  • Employees’ required hours tracked by position type (Director, Manager, Staff or Part Time Staff).
  • All data is saved for 3 years plus the current year.
  • Deleted  employees are automatically archived annually.
  • ​Eliminates paper record keeping, but information can be printed at any time.
  • No need to manually enter all of your employees.  NxtGen Innovators does your initial import for you!
  • ​Supports up to 3 topics per Training Event
  • Integrated Support Inquiry feature to get help quickly.
  • Context-sensitive help provides support for the page you are working on with a single click.

A reasonable annual fee unlimited Support Inquiries using the built-in system.  Please contact us for pricing for districts with more than 100 employees.


I just completed professional development documentation for my upcoming review and shamefully admit it was an annoying and time consuming evening and weekend project.

It has taken only an hour or two to put the same material in the software AND upload all the supporting documents. I can view or print reports by school, person, or district and check tables to see where we are.  I absolutely love it; it quickly and effectively meets all of our needs. 

You know that it is fantastic software when my assistants are fighting over who gets to use it and I keep the job for myself!

Lets connect

We would love to hear about your successes, struggles, needs, and provide you with additional information on how NxtGen can serve you. 

Say Hello!

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