“Pat may be the most watchable person I’ve ever seen. I was amazed by how Pat would engage an audience member’s comment or suggestion, give it full attention, then weave it right back into the direction of the presentation”
-Zach Thompson
Winston & Strawn LLP
Pat Dwyer
Having worked at some of the most notable improv comedy theaters in the world, including the world-famous Second City Theater, the iO Theater and ComedySportz. Pat harnesses his unique ability to keep a room laughing while delivering a keynote or breakout, uniquely crafted for your team. A program specifically designed to inspire, excite, energize and harness the full power of laughter to help your program grow.
Pat Dwyer is an International Professional Speaker, Trainer and Comedian who specializes in helping leaders and teams use humor to propel themselves to the next level. He has toured, performed, and taught with comedic Institutions The Second City, iO Theater, CSz Worldwide, Baby Wants Candy, Mi Productions and as a member of his internationally renowned sketch comedy duo Kerpatty.
Pat has more recently been working with organizations big and small to use the power of levity and a YES mentality to rediscover their capacity for joy in the day-to-day.
Pat is able to use all of his experience and expertise to deliver high impact, high energy keynotes, workshops and sessions that inspire not only the C-Suite but the front-line to approach each day with excitement, drive and an ability to play their way into accomplishing their greatest goals.
You can learn even more about him at Pat Dwyer Was Taken dot Com [PatDwyerWasTaken.com] … because it was.
Creative Thinking
Dealing with Change
Emotional Intelligence
Interpersonal Communications
Team Building
Corporate’s Dirtiest Word
There is a single word that brings a room to an abrupt and screeching halt. A word that’s considered so dirty that CEO’s quake at it’s very mention. A word so loaded that it could easily be a baked potato. Yet it’s also a word that can be used for the greatest possible good. Corporate’s Dirtiest Word will reveal this word, it’s stigma, it’s power and it’s dire importance to organizational success.
A Simple Act of Levitation
It’s easy to get lost in our world. Easy to get caught up in the frustrations of the day. To get trapped in the day itself. Yet in putting up a conscious fight by sliding a bit of levity into our day, we find that we are not only more efficient but help those around us to succeed. A Simple Act of Levitation looks at the data behind and benefit of adding a direct injection of levity into our daily grind.
Accept It!: Gowsh Darn It
Nothing is funnier than dealing with change. Be it a new process at your company, a massive structural change or arriving home after dark to discover that your significant other has rearranged the furniture. Accept It!: Gowsh Darn It is about seeing the lighter side of change. While never comfortable, change is always enjoyable.
An Improv Comedian’s Guide to Life
The fame, the laughter, the unbridled job, the demoralizing lack of money: An Improv Comedian’s Guide to Life is about using the improv comedy concepts of “Yes…And” in not only seeing joy but living it. A keynote about breaking down fear and living life to it’s fullest.
Team Cohesion and Building
This hands-on breakout harnesses the power of shared experiences to bring participants together and allow them to move forward as a closer and more cohesive team. Perfect for a single organization looking to rally their people or for conferences looking to find unique experiences to boost return attendance for years to come.
Interpersonal Communications: Give and Take
This breakout guides participants through some of the most used, rarely observed and deeply interpersonal communication skills available to them. Guiding participants towards harnessing the power of give and take to catapult their communications skills forward. From team continuity to stakeholder management, it’s all a game of give and take.
Change Acceptance for Teams
This active breakout session gets participants on their feet to experience the positive power and mechanics of change first hand. Allowing participants to apply the tenants of their discoveries in real time by having an opportunity to apply these tangible applications of change and change acceptance within the confines of their own organization.
Creative Thinking
Thinking outside the box? Why not think outside the whole neighborhood? This breakout uses the skills of improvisation and acceptance to help you and your team shake out the mental blockers that keep us from being our most creative. With tried-and-true energetic creative enablement techniques, this workshop helps you harness the power of every individual on your team; allowing you to find ways of approaching your existing problems from new angles.
This breakout works with participants to uncover the value of listening in their daily lives. A program that dives in deeper than listening with just your ears, but touches upon a myriad of listening skills. Luckily, what can be applied in the office, can be applied at home. Trust me! My wife still likes me.
Pat as You Emcee or Host
Emcee or Host
For that matter, do you need an Emcee or Host that knows how to bring the funny but also how to seamlessly move your program forward in a succinct manner? Pat is your guy!
Aside from being a host extraordinaire, he’s also consulted on structure, directed and called shows, presentations and award ceremonies.

Lets connect
We would love to hear about your successes, struggles, needs, and provide you with additional information on how NxtGen can serve you.