
Equipment, Serving Lines, & Seating

We can manage your remodel projects from beginning to end whether its kitchen equipment, serving lines and/or seating areas.


We provide a one stop shop for entertaining, engaging, experts in multiple areas of school food, leadership, and customer service.

Marketing/Social Media

Our marketing team can create engaging marketing kits to fit any need within your district as well as manage the social media platforms you use.

Menu Planning

Let us take the menu planning off of your plate. We provide nutritional analysis, production records, workbooks, & procurement specs.


Everybody loves swag. Whether you are looking for giveaways or prizes for students or staff we have catelogs full of cost efficient items that can be given to top achievers and raffle winners within your district.

Professional Development

Whether the employees in your district need to catch up on CEUs, training, or to be motivated, we have experts available to speak at any event and even mentor.


Attire is important and can make employees feel more confident and professional. We can provide uniforms and aprons to keep your staff looking as fresh as the fruits and veggies on your lines.

Web Design

A good website can make a great impression on a student, parent, and/or potential job applicant. We can design, host, and maintain your department website, as well as your wellness website.

Lets connect

We would love to hear about your successes, struggles, needs, and provide you with additional information on how NxtGen can serve you. 

Say Hello!

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